Environmental Contamination
Nature minimizes the hazards, while man maximizes them. This is not an assumption, but a basic idea of the findings of scientists from all over the world. The last two centuries have witnessed the indiscriminate development and overexploitation of natural resources by man causing alterations and impairment of our own environment. Environmental contamination is the result of the irrational use of resources at the wrong place and at the wrong time. Environmental contamination has changed the lifestyle of people virtually all over the world, and has reduced the extent of life on earth. Today, we are bound to compromises with such environmental conditions, which was not anticipated for the sustenance of humanity and other life forms. Let us find out the problem and its management within this book.
- Chapter 1
Response of C3 and C4 Plant Systems Exposed to Heavy Metals for Phytoextraction at Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and at Elevated Temperature
- Chapter 2
Manganese: A New Emerging Contaminant in the Environment
- Chapter 3
Plants and Soil Contamination with Heavy Metals in Agricultural Areas of Guadalupe, Zacatecas, Mexico
- Chapter 4
Sustainable Environment – Monitoring of Radionuclide and Heavy Metal Accumulation in Sediments, Algae and Biota in Black Sea Marine Ecosystems
- Chapter 5
Environmental Contaminations and Occupational Exposures Involved in Preparation of Chemotherapeutic Drugs
- Chapter 6
Production of Persistent Organic Pollutants from Cement Plants
- Chapter 7
It’s All in the Genes: How Genotype Can Impact Upon Response to Contaminant Exposure and the Implications for Biomonitoring in Aquatic Systems
- Chapter 8
Bioindicator of Genotoxicity: The Allium cepa Test
- Chapter 9
Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis: A picture in Portugal
- Chapter 10
Risk Assessment and Management of Terrestrial Ecosystems Exposed to Petroleum Contamination
- Chapter 11
Recycling of Mine Wastes as Ceramic Raw Materials: An Alternative to Avoid Environmental Contamination
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