Air Pollution-New Developments
Air Pollution-New Developments
Air Pollution-New Developments
Air Pollution - New Developments
Today, an important issue is environmental pollution, especially air pollution. Due to pollutants present in air, human health as well as animal health and vegetation may suffer. The book can be divided in two parts. The first half presents how the environmental modifications induced by air pollution can have an impact on human health by inducing modifications in different organs and systems and leading to human pathology. This part also presents how environmental modifications induced by air pollution can influence human health during pregnancy. The second half of the book presents the influence of environmental pollution on animal health and vegetation and how this impact can be assessed (the use of the micronucleus tests on TRADESCANTIA to evaluate the genotoxic effects of air pollution, the use of transplanted lichen PSEUDEVERNIA FURFURACEA for biomonitoring the presence of heavy metals, the monitoring of epiphytic lichen biodiversity to detect environmental quality and air pollution, etc). The book is recommended to professionals interested in health and environmental issues.
- Chapter 1
Air Pollution Exposure During Pregnancy and Reproductive Outcomes
- Chapter 2
Air Pollution and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome
- Chapter 3
Maternal Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution and Engineered Nanoparticles: Reproductive and Developmental Effects
- Chapter 4
Molecular Markers Associated with the Biological Response to Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Urban Air in Humans
- Chapter 5
Air Pollution and Primordial Prevention of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases
- Chapter 6
Respiratory Health Effects of Air Pollution and Climate Parameters in the Population of Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Romania
- Chapter 7
Observation and Research on the Typical Atmosphere of Beijing Olympic Games by Optical Remote Sensing
- Chapter 8
Air Pollution and Domestic Animals
- Chapter 9
Comparative Analysis of Bioindicator and Genotoxicity Indicator Capacity of Lichens Exposed to Air Pollution
- Chapter 10
Monitoring Epiphytic Lichen Biodiversity to Detect Environmental Quality and Air Pollution: the Case Study of Roccamonfina Park (Campania Region - Italy)
- Chapter 11
Use of the Micronucleus Test on Tradescantia (Trad-MCN) to Evaluate the Genotoxic Effects of Air Pollution
- Chapter 12
Silver Fir Decline in Mixed Old-Growth Forests in Slovenia: an Interaction of Air Pollution, Changing Forest Matrix and Climate
- Chapter 13
Removal Mechanisms in a Tropical Boundary Layer: Quantification of Air Pollutant Removal Rates Around a Heavily Afforested Power Plant
- Chapter 14
Interaction of Urban Vegetation Cover to Sequester Air Pollutants from Ambient Air Environment
- Chapter 15
Method OF INAA for Critical Evaluation Pollution of Ecosystem
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