Saturday 30 March 2013



Deep Sea Treasures

Deep Sea Treasures

Cut into the continental shelf off the Atlantic coast of the United States is a series of undersea canyons. Teeming with an astonishing variety and abundance of marine life, these canyons and seamounts are ocean oases. Swift action is needed to defend these ancient ecosystems now, before they suffer irreparable harm. READ MORE »
End Commercial Whaling

End Commercial Whaling

Whales are still being killed across the world's oceans -- despite an international ban on commercial whaling -- by countries that exploit loopholes and label their hunts as "scientific research." READ MORE »
Ocean Blueprint

Ocean Blueprint

Increased ocean activities, if not carried out wisely, will cause "ocean sprawl," further stressing these valuable resources and jeopardizing the food, jobs and recreation we need our oceans to provide. Coastal and marine spatial planning (CMSP) is a common sense process that allocates space in the oceans for various uses, identifying areas in which different uses make sense and other areas where ocean habitat needs protection. READ MORE »
Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans

Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans

We're treating the oceans like a trash bin -- and plastic accounts for 60-80% of marine litter. So much plastic is flowing into the sea that marine animals are dying, our beaches are polluted, and our health may even be at risk.READ MORE »
Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem

Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem

Over the last decade, scientists have discovered that increased CO2 is actually changing the chemistry of the sea and proving harmful for many forms of marine life. This process is known as ocean acidification. A more acidic ocean could wipe out species, disrupt the food web and impact fishing, tourism and any other human endeavor that relies on the sea. READ MORE »
Sustainable Seafood Guide

Sustainable Seafood Guide

Eating fish can be a smart choice. It's a lean protein with great health benefits. But sometimes fish can be bad for you, and sometimes it's bad for the environment. When you're at the store or ordering in a restaurant, how do you know which seafood to choose? We’ve got advice that tells you what's OK and what to avoid READ MORE »


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